1999 Ubertalli award winner Wendy Meyer is an artist, graphic designer, educator, writer, community arts activist and entrepreneur who has exhibited locally, nationally and internationally. Her work has been featured in Scitex Asia's 1999 Vividness Calendar, Hong Kong's IDN magazine, Step-by-Step Electronic Design, and the books: Painter 5 Complete and Painter, Photoshop and Illustrator: Side-by-Side. Her painting "Big Ole Hed" toured the world as part of the 1998 MacWorld Digital Art Gallery. Her "Kool Kat" was part of the 1995 Fractal Design Digital Gallery and was featured on the packaging for Painter 3.0 and she was Fractal's featured artist for July 1996. In 1999, she co-produced the world premiere of Postcards on the Edge, a multi-faceted, multimedia exhibition at ArtServe's Moran Gallery in Fort Lauderdale. In 1993, she co-produced Design Electronica, the first large-scale digital art exhibition in South Florida at Ft. Lauderdale's Museum of Discovery and Science, and she has also created exhibitions at Palm Beach Photographic Museum, Palm Beach International Airport and Palm Beach Community College. As a Project LEAP artist for many years, Wendy used art to teach core curriculum to South Florida school children. She has also taught computer art and digital design at Palm Beach Community College and the Palm Beach Photographic Center in Delray Beach. She taught an experimental painting and computer art program for teens and adults with developmental disabilities for VSA arts for five years. She has served on the steering committees for ArtSource at the Norton Museum of Art, VSA arts of Florida- Palm Beach County and the Professional Artists Committee for Palm Beach County.
She is the recipient of a 1998 Encore Award and her graphic design work has been featured in the HOW and PRINT Annuals. Her design studio, In You Wendo Design, has won over 150 American Advertising Federation ADDY awards, including several Best of Show Awards and multiple district Charlie Awards, for clients such as Blockbuster, Cigna, Prudential, Hilton, Doubletree, The Kravis Center for the Performing Arts, The Broward Center for the Performing Arts, The Norton Museum of Art, VSA Arts of Florida, NBIA, Abaco Life Magazine, The Core Ensemble, The Community Foundation and many others.
Wendy earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology and Sociology from Emory University in Atlanta Georgia in 1984.
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